Well this happened. Westfield Local Heroes Nomination. Its just a nomination, and I have a few things to work on to get into the next round. But the person who nominated me (redacted for privacy), wrote the most amazing, gracious and kind words about the work I do for the Canberra film community and what I achieved so far with Bus Stop Films Canberra.
I'm proud to be a Canberra filmmaker and producer. I'm proud to support and mentor emerging filmmakers. I'm proud to be a Bus Stop Films tutor.
And so I'm going to do my best to follow through on this nomination and get to the final three to be awarded the money for Bus Stop Film's inclusive filmmaking program. The community will have a chance to vote on the winners, so when or if that time comes, I do hope to have your support also! #localheroes #westfieldlocalheroes #busstopfilms #canberrafilmmaker #canberra